Well, it has been almost a month since I last communicated through this blog. It will be a little bit longer still before I report in significant detail, but here’s the bottom line: I’m still here!
We have moved into our new office space (photos and details to follow). It was/is a LOT of work, and it will be a while yet before I feel fully moved in. The ministry work won’t wait, however, so I’m fitting unpacking among the meetings and production work and phone calls and decisions that must be addressed.
In the mean time, both of our girls have moved to their college communities (one in TX, and one in MN). We’re SO proud of them and eager to see how God uses them.
This is an exciting time for FaithSearch International, and the potential impact for the Kingdom has never been greater. I will resume trying to communicate some of my excitement, er, well, how about tomorrow?
Until then, I remain, your faithful servant, in need of your prayers.
Did I REALLY write “tomorrow”? What was I thinking?