Let it be said that it has been a busy summer. Already it’s fall: the leaves are bursting into a bright palette of color; the air is nippy at night; the kids are back in school; and the NFL season is in full swing. We at FaithSearch were on partial hours this summer to keep payroll costs down, and there was more than enough work to do during the remaining time. Now we’re back to full time, and it seems the work has expanded even more!
I just want to let you know that I’m still here and that we are still proclaiming the Gospel with evidence. Witness a couple of projects I’m slowly but surely ushering toward completion…
I am in the final stages of editing the third edition of Dr. Don Bierle’s book Surprised by Faith. We’re in a bit of a crunch right now (so what else is new?) as we are out of books and have some major events coming up for which we want to have them available. The data (READ: evidence) supporting the author’s contention—that the New Testament is an accurate, historically reliable account of the life, claims and ministry of Jesus—has been updated to reflect the latest scholarship.
Dr. Bierle has also enhanced the content to flow more in line with our live presentation of FaithSearch Discovery. We have added new material detailing the conclusions and implications of each chapter (we call them “Ah-ha!” discoveries) which helps tie together the continuity of the argument. It also maps more clearly with the live presentation of the evidence. We think it will be even more effective in facilitating learning, discussion and help people answer some crucial questions, both for skeptics and for believers.
The other project I’m desperate to finish is the French translation of Surprised by Faith. This has been taking a seeming eternity, but the current revision to the English text has become a blessing in disguise. If we had printed it, it would not have the current revisions and enhancements. Now we are working to update the translation text to reflect the third edition revisions. Although it will delay the printing (yet again!) we will have a better book for it. Our prayer is that it will be even more effective in communicating the Gospel with evidence to French speakers everywhere.
Thanks for your partnership in my ministry, and for your patience as I balance my deadlines and my desire develop more regular writing habits.