Canoeing again… AHHhhhhhh!

Well, I guess this is our summer to be on the water, because we did it again. All four of us this time, canoed another sixteen miles (according to the rental place; Google maps calculates the route as more like thirteen) down the Bois Brule river in northern Wisconsin. My grandfather has a cabin on the river, and it’s a marvelous (if completely primative) retreat full of the magic of childhood wonder in a fantastically beautiful setting. (Click here for the satellite view of the route we did.)

This time, Anna had a camera along, so I can give you a better idea of what we enjoyed. And enjoy it we did. This is a spring fed, meandering river that flows north from roughly Solon Springs, WI, out of Upper St. Croix Lake. (You can read about the river here.)

Before I recount the revelry on the water, I will point out that there is something a “tradition” in our family: When traveling to or from Duluth and environs, we WILL encounter bad weather. Continue reading

Wait, the Week’s Over?

Another summer-shortened week has FLOWN by. I barely blinked and it was gone. Here is this week’s “posthumous” update…
I mentioned in passing that we would be moving to a new office at the end of August, and promised “more on that later.” A good bit of this week was devoted to preparations for that, so this is as good a time as ever.
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