Destination Denton: Matt, Elise, Anna, Judy, Alex and Rick (left to right) gathered for Christmas down south this year. Matt and Elise had to work around the holidays, so they couldn’t come home to Bloomington. Together in Texas we had a terrific time.
Big Year!
The biggest news in this big year is that our baby, Anna, married her best friend and the love of her life, Alex Bauer. Perhaps we blinked: we’re not sure when or how the little frog who used to sleep splayed out on our chests–and who also used to scream through the night–grew up. She did and we’re pleased and proud of who she is.There is a fun story. We were on a double date with Anna and Alex last January (dinner and a concert by the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra). Anna excused herself to visit the ladies’ room, and Alex mentioned, almost casually, “Well, I made an exciting purchase today.” What, we wondered, could he mean? Continue reading