Promises, Promises

By Rick Wattman
April 1993

My two earliest memories of my younger sister Margaret both come from photographs. I don’t know if I actually remember the events, but they have been recounted to me so often and I’ve seen the snapshots enough times, that they are etched into my memory as if they happened last week.

The first image I have is of seeing her through the ground floor window of the hospital when I went with my dad to bring her home. I’m sure I had no idea what it was Mom was holding, but at least I recognized her. Continue reading

A New Year Every Day

By Rick Wattman
January 1993

HAPPY NEW YEAR! What are your New Year’s resolutions for 1993?”

It is a safe greeting this time of year—no religious or political strings attached, and no hidden agendas. What’s more, nobody ever expects you to take the question seriously: no accountability is required later in the year to prove you have kept your resolve.

What’s the fuss? I find myself rather detached from the celebration of the arrival of 1993 (or the new millenium, or any new year). I’m not sure why this year should be any different from others: I’ve never paid much attention to the resolution ritual. On the other hand, I see nothing wrong with the practice.

Nonetheless I was compelled to consider the custom after hearing a report that fully 75 per cent of all New Year’s resolutions are broken by January 7. A widespread sign of very little resolve, wouldn’t you say? Continue reading

O come let us adore Him

By Rick Wattman
November 1992, Revised March 1996

Worship \’w&r-sh&p \ n [ME worshipe worthiness, repute, respect, reverence paid to a divine being, fr. OE weorthschipe worthiness, repute, respect, fr. weorth worthy, worth + scipe -ship, akin to OHG skepfen to shape] : reverence offered a divine being or supernatural power; also : an act of expressing such reverence vt : to regard with great, even extravagant respect, honor, or devotion ~ vi to perform or take part in worship or an act of worship

WORSHIP. Literally, worth shape: to give shape to the state of someone’s worth or specific value.

That’s some of what Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary has to say about the word “worship” and how it made its way into our language. The etymology of words can add insight into the meaning behind the definition, and I must confess that they hold some measure of fascination to me. Continue reading