2014 Benefit Dinner Blessings

FaithSearch Board chair Fred Bills prayed for the staff at the conclusion of the 2014 Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction.

FaithSearch Board chair Fred Bills prayed for the staff and gifts at the conclusion of the 2014 Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction.

Nearly 175 friends of FaithSearch gathered at Grace Church in Eden Prairie, MN, on May 17, for our annual Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction. The event raised funds for the continuation of our ministry of proclaiming the Gospel with evidence to all peoples everywhere.

After months of preparation, the event went off without a hitch (well, maybe only a couple of them) and proved to be a very successful, entertaining, and enlightening evening. Michael Pearce Donley provided musical entertainment and kept the evening moving as emcee. The theme of the evening, “As You Say… LORD!,” played out well, through table decorations and the presentations, including the host’s composing a new verse for the theme of TV’s Andy Griffith Show.

No sooner was the event concluded that we began planning for next year’s event. We hope to see you there!

Shut Out of Heaven?

The run up to our annual Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction is always a very hectic time here at FaithSearch—so much so that my co-laborers have often heard me lament that it is my least favorite time of the year. It is also a very important time of the year, as the event enables a large part of our ministry budget. It also celebrates highlights of the ministry year and anticipates another year of active service in the mission God has called us to: “Proclaiming the Gospel with Evidence to All Peoples Everywhere.”

As they say, “No pressure.” Right!

As I was preparing to lead staff devotions on Wednesday, I happened to read a devotional by Charles Spurgeon, based on 1 John 4:13. Spurgeon was a nineteenth century pastor in London, known as the “Prince of Preachers.” He was also a prolific writer.

This devotional focuses on John’s discussion of love, as in “God is love” and draws out the argument that we “abide in Him.” (Read the complete devotional.)

Spurgeon Quote

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