A Gift of Love that Keeps on Giving

My Beautiful Wind Chimes

My Beautiful Wind Chimes
(See and hear them here.)

It is wonderful to be loved. My wife loves me, and it is a wonderful blessing. She has observed that I practically melt when I hear wind chimes. As an example, a couple of summers ago we were dashing through a garden shop to pick up some bedding flowers for her garden, and I was arrested by a display of several wind chimes of varying sizes and shapes. She patiently stood by while I played with them and sampled their sounds. She didn’t attempt to discourage me or hurry me. She even feigned interest by asking which one I liked most.

Then we continued on to the bedding plants.

Imagine my astonishment when—months later on my birthday—I opened a set of chimes which she had secretly ordered and kept hidden. WOW! Not only had she remembered the model I favored in the store; she also researched them online and found a less expensive source, and had them delivered in time for my birthday celebration. I had been clueless about her scheme, and was truly amazed at its revelation. Continue reading

“Like Us on Facebook!”


“Like” us on Facebook®

It’s an almost ubiquitous tagline for marketing and social networking. “Everybody’s” doing it. “Word-of-mouth” has taken on new meaning as people share with others their online preferences and discoveries. “Going viral” has become the new gold standard for success in marketing. This powerful strategy is coming into play in ministry as well, and in the coming months, FaithSearch will be testing these waters. You can play an important role in helping us reach even more people with the Gospel with evidence. Continue reading

Happy New Year!

Well, FaithSearch made it through the hubbub of the holidays, and have rounded the corner into a new year. Everything goes back to “normal,” whatever that is.

New FaithSearch Web site

New FaithSearch Web site

In the past month, we have made some changes here at FaithSearch. Working with an outside contractor, we have created a new online resource center. It is the first step in entirely renovating our online presence. Stay tuned for some significant upgrades.

For now, our ministry resources are available in a more streamlined shopping experience. Giving to FaithSearch online is now easier than ever, allowing you to clearly choose a ministry project, a field of ministry, or to support and learn about each individual staff member. Continue reading