Cover of our photo book commemorating our epic summer vacation.

Cover of the photo book commemorating our epic summer vacation, viewable online.

The summer of 2015 presented us with a unique experience. We took a two-week vacation to Banff, Canada, and combined it with visits to Rick’s dad and mom.

We are STILL talking about it and are amazed at all the blessings we received. Rick created a photo book of memory highlights, which you are able to read online (if you would like) so we won’t include all the details here. You may also view an album of some of the photos.

Suffice it to say we had a blast, and hope to return someday, and to share it with our girls if possible.

Wait, the Week’s Over?

Another summer-shortened week has FLOWN by. I barely blinked and it was gone. Here is this week’s “posthumous” update…
I mentioned in passing that we would be moving to a new office at the end of August, and promised “more on that later.” A good bit of this week was devoted to preparations for that, so this is as good a time as ever.
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Thursday, 28 July 2011

This week we have been processing an appeal letter/ministry update (actually a series of five letters) and we’re getting more efficient in producing them. Since during the summer our office is closed on Monday and Friday, the same amount of work gets squeezed into three days, so the efficiency is borne out of necessity.

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