Trying to identify this lake

We hiked in San Gorgonio Wilderness back in the 1980s… I recently found a photo and would like to geo-locate it. I wonder if you or someone you know might recognize it.

I think we went up the Fish Creek Trail, at least that sounds familiar. Or maybe it was Falls Creek. We camped near the top (after visiting the peak) at Red Rock Flats or something like that–I think? Do you recognize this lake? Let me know. Thanks.

Unknown lake in the San Gorgonio Wilderness


On June 10, 2022, I heard back from someone at the San Gorgonio Wilderness Area. They wrote, “That is dry lake – along the south fork trail – nice picture”

So, now I know. That puts the photo around here (34.121602713030775, -116.82910743966272).

2020 Christmas Letter

Family Gatherings, 2020 style: Times of togetherness were reduced in number and scope, and often only virtual. We gathered at Dronen’s for fall pumpkin carving (left, couples clockwise from bottom left): Byron and Theo, Jacob and Elise, Alex and Anna, Mike and Annie, Rick and Judy. The West Coast Wattmans met regularly on Zoom: (right, left to right, top to bottom) Doris and Margaret; Judy and Rick; Brian; Anna and Alex; Ethan, Marian, and Emma; Rob and Christiane; Megan; and Jacob and Elise.

Color Me COVID

With the arrival of John Roderick Bauer, on November 28, at 8:36 am, Rick and Judy officially became “Opa and Oma.”

So far none of us has been sickened with the virus. By God’s grace, with vigilant hygiene and social distancing, our family has avoided the devastating effects of the global pandemic. We know some who have suffered, and we continue our cautious measures. We learned to wander less, and wonder more, and appreciate staying closer to home, sheltering and working in place when called upon.

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Summer 1977

The Summer of 42-Years-Ago
Ocean City, New Jersey

Campus Crusade for Christ Summer Project

After spending Christmas 1976, and New Year’s Day 1977, in Naples, Italy, I continued my studies at the University of Minnesota. Although I would end up in a photo-journalism program at the U, I basically majored in Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC, now known “less threateningly” as Cru).

It was fitting if not predictable, therefore, that I spend the summer of 1977 on a summer ministry project. Among the many offered by CCC, I chose, applied, and was accepted to the project in Ocean City, New Jersey, from June 11 through September 6.

Project portrait in front of the Dimension Hotel, now a parking lot.

While preparing to remodel our basement family room this year, I moved several photo albums, and the binding on the 1977 summer project album completely fell apart in my hands. “Useless to reconstruct it,” I thought, so I decided to scan the photos, then put the prints in a box for posterity. I wasn’t prepared for the ensuing nostalgia as I relived, remembered, and realized how little I actually do remember, from that summer on the “Shore.”

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A Celebration of Life

Eulogy to Rev. Wayne E. Wattman

By Rick Wattman, Eldest Son, 26 March 2019
Delivered at Gladwin Heights United Church, Abbotsford, BC, Canada

I’m here to share remembrances, reflections, and impressions on behalf of my siblings about our dad, the Reverend Wayne E. Wattman. For particular historical details, we have provided a chronology of sorts in the bulletin, so I will focus on some of our shared memories.

Celebration of Life, 26 March 2019, Gladwin Heights UC, Abbotsford, BC

I am but one of his four children, and we each had different experiences in our time with him in our lives. We were each deeply impacted when he left our family, each in his or her own ways. These were difficult realities. Continue reading