2020 Christmas Letter

Family Gatherings, 2020 style: Times of togetherness were reduced in number and scope, and often only virtual. We gathered at Dronen’s for fall pumpkin carving (left, couples clockwise from bottom left): Byron and Theo, Jacob and Elise, Alex and Anna, Mike and Annie, Rick and Judy. The West Coast Wattmans met regularly on Zoom: (right, left to right, top to bottom) Doris and Margaret; Judy and Rick; Brian; Anna and Alex; Ethan, Marian, and Emma; Rob and Christiane; Megan; and Jacob and Elise.

Color Me COVID

With the arrival of John Roderick Bauer, on November 28, at 8:36 am, Rick and Judy officially became “Opa and Oma.”

So far none of us has been sickened with the virus. By God’s grace, with vigilant hygiene and social distancing, our family has avoided the devastating effects of the global pandemic. We know some who have suffered, and we continue our cautious measures. We learned to wander less, and wonder more, and appreciate staying closer to home, sheltering and working in place when called upon.

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